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One or more of my submissions were rejected. Why?


We are proud with the quality of the all homemade submissions (videos & pictures) on KINKYPEEPZ.COM and want to continue to approve only the best submissions. Occasionally you might get a submission (or more) rejected.

Poor quality - the submission's quality is not acceptable including but not limited to too blurry, pixilated, out of focus, bad scan, too dark, too bright, etc.

Usually we do not approve submissions which were rejected initially, but you can request a second review by opening a support ticket.

We often hear from members who got a submission (or more) rejected that there are worse submissions on the site. Please report them and we will review them again! If they are bad, we'll remove them.

REMEMBER: We are not rejecting YOU; we reject the submission, not the person(s) on the submission.

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Article details
Article ID: 31
Category: Submissions
Date added: 2012-08-02 05:03:47
Views: 46
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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