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How do I get Verified?


Verified tells all our users/members that you are REAL. And how do you get it, well, it's really easy. We need to see KINKYPEEPZ.COM on at least one submission, but if it on More, thats cool to! We need just one to give you the Verified, but feel free to upload as many as you want. Write it on your face, butt, boob, chest, your dick, anywhere - it doesn't matter. The only requirement is that the submission must meet our upload guidelines listed on the upload page. Hold a piece of paper, use lipstick or whipped cream. Your body and the KINKYPEEPZ.COM is enough. You can include your username as well, if you want. Once your first genuine submission is approved you automatically get your Verified member status. Please do not just upload a naked picture of yourself, you must be holding a KinkyPeepz sign

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Article details
Article ID: 15
Category: Verified Member
Date added: 2012-08-01 21:29:16
Views: 109
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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